Cambridge – Cambridge MPP Rob Leone says residents of Cambridge and North Dumfries should brace themselves for higher energy costs with a smart meter fee and new time-of-use pricing courtesy of Dalton McGuinty’s energy policies.

Residents will be feeling the pinch in paying their hydro bill on two fronts. There will be a fee of between $1.61 and $1.99 that is added to residents’ monthly hydro bills. In addition, new time-of-use rules have kicked in meaning that Cambridge and North Dumfries will be paying more for hydro between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

“This proves what our party has said all along – smart meters are nothing more than tax machines and they have to go,” said Leone. “With these new charges that Dalton McGuinty wants to tack on, smart meters will be adding hundreds of dollars a year to the average hydro bill,” said Leone.

The excessively hot and humid summer is making energy consumption escalate in order to keep residents safe and healthy. However, during the warmest period of the day, hydro consumers are paying the most. Some residents who work later shifts and seniors who are home the majority of the day cannot simply shut off their energy consumption.

“Workers who work afternoon or night shifts are being discriminated against because they cannot use energy when it is cheaper as they are working. Therefore, they are stuck paying a higher bill and cannot do anything about it,” stated Leone.

“Seniors who are trying to stay cool are being forced to shut off the air conditioning because their hydro prices are escalating, but their incomes are fixed, meaning they are running into financial difficulties,” Leone added.

Leone believes there is a better way forward in keeping our energy costs down. Rather than investing billions of dollars into the Green Energy Act, Leone believes that the PC Caucus White Paper on Energy is the best approach to making energy more affordable for people and businesses.

“It’s time for Ontario ratepayers to put their foot down and demand Dalton McGuinty halt his endless string of sneaky tax hikes,” Leone concluded.

For further Information please contact:

Cal MacLellan
Legislative Assistant to Rob Leone, MPP