All are welcome for a celebration to recognize local achievement

Ontario is celebrating Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne 60 years ago, by awarding outstanding Canadians with a Diamond Jubilee Medal.


Fourteen medals will be presented by MPP Rob Leone, to community members or organizations in Cambridge who have made exceptional contributions to the province and country.


The ceremony will take place Thursday September 20th at the Galt Country Club from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and residents from Cambridge and North Dumfries are encouraged to attend. Below is a list of this year’s recipients.

Greg Durocher

John Friesen

Sandra Goodwin

Ken Gray

Larry Hardman

Constance Hilborn

Alan McColl

Lieut. Col. Jarret McDonald

Josh Nelson

Simon Poladian

Pat Singleton

Anne Tinker

Peter Tudisco

Prakash Venkataraman


“I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to present our local leaders with this well-deserved honour. Each one of these 14 Canadians is a shining example of what can be accomplished when community spirit and selflessness come together.” – Rob Leone, MPP Cambridge

“We encourage everyone in Cambridge to join us Thursday. This is truly a once in a lifetime honour.”Rob Leone, MPP Cambridge



  • 60,000 citizens across Canada will receive the Diamond Jubilee Medal.
  • Ontario is recognizing over 2,000 individuals for their outstanding contributions.
  • Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s reign of 60 years is the second-longest for a British monarch; only Queen Victoria has reigned longer.
  • Her coronation service in 1953 was the first to be televised.
  • The Queen was named Elizabeth after her mother, Alexandra after George V’s mother, who had died six months earlier, and Mary after her paternal grandmother.
  • There are 57 countries in the British Commonwealth.


For more information, or a backgrounder on medal recipients, please contact:

Cal MacLellan | Office of Rob Leone, MPP | cal.maclellan@pc.ola.or |416.325.8451